Hi there! My name is Nathan LaPierre, and I am currently a Postdoctoral Scholar in the Department of Human Genetics at the University of Chicago, working in the labs of Xin He and Matthew Stephens.
My research interests lie in computational genetics and genomics. In particular, I am interested in using methods from causal inference, CRISPR screens, single cell data, and functional genomics to elucidate causal mechanisms behind complex diseases, to investigate causal genotype-phenotype and phenotype-phenotype relationships, and to study regulation of gene expression.
I have recently developed methods for robust mendelian randomization, cross-population fine mapping, and isoform-aware eQTL mapping. Previously, I worked on metagenomic profiling and deep learning to improve nanopore read quality. For more details, see the links below.
Important links:
Curriculum Vitae (pdf) | Google Scholar | GitHub | Twitter | LinkedIn